We continue our community building initiative at the Long-Lasting MediaWave. The Gathering is waiting for those organisations, groups and individuals who would carry out their community-based ideas between 27 April and 1 May in the Fort-Monostor, Komárom by the River Danube. Deadline for submission: 28 February
This is the fifth Mediawave to be held in the Fort-Monostor, Komárom. After the initial trials, the event has found home in the Danube Bastion of the fortress. In the temporary period of the last five years, we had been balancing between the festival and community gathering. However, we don't hesiatate to say out that the year 2015 brought lots of new elements and the members of the community coming from the audience were happy to enjoy the new situation. Instead of audience, we would like to build community at the Mediawave, that's why we've attached the phrase Long-lasting Wave and left behind the word festival which rather has a reference to star-cult.
This community building project was preceded by several similar occasions. We have attempted to involve different communities and artists which proved to be successful and long-lasting cooperations and we managed to enlarge our community with new members. Such were the Relikvia recycling project, the swapping market, the table of nations, the Mediawave souvenir application or the latest project in frame of which we built castle walls in our summer camp.
We are waiting for those organisations, groups or individuals who want to participate and join the program of the 26-year-old multi-art gathering.
You can apply in e-mail (viol@mediawave.hu) until 28 February.