IOAN-STEFAN TATU (Bucharest, Romania)
E-mail: puiuculmister@yahoo.com
Short CV:
Year of birth: 1986
School: National Theatral and Cinematographic Art "I.L. Caragiale" University, Bucharest
Interested especially in:
I'm interested in the possibilies of exploring the "after taking of a photo world", so i"ll be training to take the photos in an animation environment and also i'm interested in learning the technique and going throw the film laboratory. I would like to be there, because..., well for the new experiences, to meet new people in the same field of interest, to learn more and to get the best of what I can do :)!
Topic, workplans:
I'll try to make the best out of the place, capture the commune world of the village and put together a sequence animating my (selected) photos.
Photo Selection for the Closing Screening
MEDIAWAVE International Summer Art Camp closed with a screening the last day. For this ocassion every participant had selected his/her best 20 photos taken during PASSPORT CONTROL 7. After the screening the audience (made up of the camp participants, teachers – photographers, filmmakers, musicians and architects as well, other guests of the festival together with citizens of Ravazd) vote for the best photographers.
2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!
pls.thank in advance