2011-06-17 17:21
Here are some pictures of our second Thursday where the film experts and guests could taste some very special food in connection to our film program.
Let's see!

2011-06-12 21:39
The 21. MEDIAWAVE Festival is over – the Awards for ’Parallel Culture’ and the Film awards of the Jury have been handed out. See the details.

The institution of Awards for ’Parallel Culture’ was initiated by the Mediawave Foundation in 2001 with the intention of awarding those personalities with unique artistic history, living or performing in Hungary, whose intellectuality would never fit into mainstream tends. The awards have been traditionally handed out every year as part of Mediawave Festivals closing ceremony.
2011-06-11 12:17
If a MEDIAWAVE-size festival today wants to remain within the international circuit of film festivals, it is a necessary step to organise professional meetings to exchange information about up-to-date issues in film business. The panels of the MEDIAWAVE Film Forum 2 in the second half of the festival were dedicated to the Endangered Species (of art) namely the film, as social experience in the 21st century.
The participants coming from different European countries discussed the topic from different perspectives.

2011-06-10 13:44
MEDIAWAVE and the MAKE (Méhkasaula Cultural Association) makes the Festival colourful. The group uses slide and overhead projectors to colour the buildings in.

2011-06-10 1:53
Lot of things are going on in the same time, so Szabolcs Husz helps us to remember what exactly happened on Wednesday. Here are his pictures of the day.

2011-06-09 22:40
Programs started on Tuesday in the Weöres Sándor Theatre. Despite the weather the Krúdy Club was full of people. The night ended with DJ-s. Galery on the next page.

2011-06-04 012:05

In Hungary culture is very much pushed down, borders are given but I think huge creations will arise which can only be born under this much pressure. Culture will always find its way through and starts to talk proliferately. Gizella Sinai Varga was asked by Lilla Takács, the journalist of vaskarika.hu about her exhibition Útleírás (Travelogue).
2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!