2013-05-08 21:50
Zsófi Szerda, jounalist from Subbotica, Serbia, has been the guest of our Gathering for years. This time she arrived with a group of friends from Voivodina and took sensitive photos of the event. You can reach her gallery here.
2013-05-07 018:07
The photographer caught the moments in the Fort Monostor between 30 April and 4 May and now he is giving back "the out of program sheet" Mediawave experiences in pictures to us. You can see the photos here. To check the higher resolution formats, click the pictures.
2013-05-07 17:40
Destinies and battles – basically these two words determined the thematic program of this year’s Mediawave festival. Though the organisors have accentuated the creations pointing out women’s fate and warlike situations, the documentary session itself was a testimony that served as evidence for us to interpret these „wordings” in a wide more extended meaning. Hereunder you can read an extraction of the films, which were screened in the documentary competition section called „world-images” and as an exception you can find below a film from external sources, as well.
2013-05-07 17:39
In Győr, it's just a memory. In the world, people are talking about it. Not a festival but Gathering. The 23rd Mediawave closed its gates in the Fort Monostor, Komárom. Those who participated the event can be happy, and those who missed it, may feel sorry (especially the cities of Győr and Szombathely which haven't been able to keep this internationally acknowledged event). Mediawave has been or will be either in better or worse situation depending on how much the ones in power believe that only and exclusively alternative culture exists beacuse naturally, only this adjective is true for art, human relations, thinking and creation.
"Good support is recipient, open. If it is not like this, it is not a help but mere circus-rental."

Photo: Büki László
2013-05-07 017:07
However the 2013 Mediawave festival pointed out mostly films with thematic of women and war subjects, now we would like to draw your attention to two documentaries that are not or just partially concerned by the central questions of this festival. The Polish „3 days freedom” seizes the first dawdling steps of a prisoner getting a short leave to go out, until the French „Love Market” scouts a custom of an Indo-Chinese ethnicity, the hmongs.

2013-05-06 20:30
We had dipped in it, had a small frission, and by the time we got dried, it was all over. Culture wellness and gathering - jazz jacuzzi and etno sauna, another connection with aromatherapy, the latter one with community building location finding. Abandonment, womanhood, night wine-cavalcade... The last two days of Mediawave also touched me. Mainly pro with a slight contra...

Photo: Büki Lászó
2012-12-21 010:04
Beside the surprising number of French submissions, lots of films were sent from Belgium, Germany, Israel, Iran, Spain, Portugal, UK and the USA. So far the preview jury has been selecting films from 58 countries to feature, short fiction, animation, experimental and documentary film categories.
Hopefully some of our special themes encourage film makers to submit their films to our competition program. We are waiting for films dealing with the topics of "The Great War", "Womanhood" and minority/integration. Here you can watch the trailer of a film from Namibia.
Gentille M. ASSIH (Senegal): The Rite, the Lunatic and I
2012-11-19 21:45

The preparation phase of the MEDIAWAVE International festival has accelerated with the online entry published a week ago. Some curiosities which may have been lost among the pile of information.
We received 31 French submissions so far from which the conclusion can be that France has a well-built film support system.
As 31st submission, we received the 1st Hungarian entry, which is a nice result regarding the usual last-minute Hungarian attitude. There's only a little flaw: this film came from Austria.
The last, 121st submission today, was sent by one of our favourite Siberian directors, Anatolij Balujev famous of his satiric films.
Mentioning the distant countries, among the entries you can find films from Namibia, Mexico, Japan, India, China and Brazil. Not just talk about the productions, you can watch a trailer from a British short: Smoke 10

2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!