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In chronological order, here we would like to collect the positive or negative impressions of our participants, and their stories from the 29th Gather. As lessons for all interested.


I personally do not like words of praise or applause because there is no tangible benefit for us. In outsiders, they may rather cause dissatisfaction, and surely prevent them from reading them further.


However, we look forward to the summaries of the analytical, positive and negative aspects. Because by analyzing them we can see some of what happened in this edition. Who did participate at what sort of an event, what did someone live through and how did someone understand at our community experiment. Which, as an experimental field, is obviously full of defects, possible dead-end directions, but of course with much better-than-expected sections as well. Based on Your o, we can decide whether to accelerate or even slow down our community building processes.


We are diverse, we perceive and are sensitized in many different ways. We've heard a lot of opinions, stories told in spoken words, but unfortunately, they quickly faded into a whirlwind - we can only save these by putting them in writing. Or even by speaking in videos or telling us on Skype, we'd love to record them.


If we make it to the next year, we'll be 30 years old. In this connection, on the last day I began to collect memories and stories among those who had returned to us many times. Surprising, uproaring stories from the past appeared to me, which I have lived completely differently or not at all. Opinions related to films, concerts, surrounding athmospheres, personal connections, perhaps long-hidden impressions, love stories. We are looking for this event’s evolution of a beautiful age, of the festival still shaping the period after the regime change, becoming a gathering and we are trying to sum it up with your help. Let's start collecting in time before they’d vanish.


We are looking forward to receiving the photos, videos that we could publish and maybe add some comments.



Jenő Hartyándi


In case it’s too ambiguous what we want, I suggest to read, to take a look at last year's review collections regarding Mediawave Gathering and the Summer Stories in the Summer Camp (click on the titles).


12 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Zsófi Szerda (Subotica, Vojvodina, Malom Festival) regarding the 30th anniversary to come:

"Crazy dancings until dawn. It reminds me that nowadays we dance so rarely... There is no place to release tension... and the meals are always excellent... "

(To watch the full video, click on the highlight)

12 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Balázs Varga film aesthete, teacher, Mediawave curator (Budapest) regarding the 30th anniversary to come:

"This is a silly question because who asks the grass why does it grow? In reality, this routine is matter of course, when it's picnic time in May people gather at Mediawave..."

(To watch the full video, click on the highlight)


11 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Péter Nyikos (Sopron):

2 May - wedding and shaman ceremony on St. Paul island - celebration in the forest

(To see the photos, click on the title)

11 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Béla Kása photographer-musician (Tordas) regarding the 30th anniversary to come: "I love the faces gathering here. With many of them we've known each other for 30 years... It's an ambient that is scarce. I go bo bigger festivals otfen, too, but those are completely impersonal"

(To watch the full video, click on the highlight)

11 May 2019

Writing by Zsófi Szerda Zsófi (Subotica, Vojvodina) in the weekly paper Seven Days:

"One thing is certain that, and I don't sense it here only, community as mode of existence has the future. Community independent from all politics, national or religious identities, skincolor and other stupid categories. And with the strentgh of such community mountains can be moved. Or hills. Important is the movement, the moving, the togetherness, the creating together and thinking together."

(Click on the details to read the full article)

10 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Péter Nyikos (Sopron) hangulatfotói - First of May - paypole erection, bachelore and bachelorette party, walldance rehearsal and performance, moments in the yard...

(Click on the title to see the photos)

10 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Csilla Antal (Subotica, Vojvodina, Malom Festival) regarding the 30th anniversary to come:

"We've been returning here for 10 years. I say we relapse and always bring a couple of new people with us. Whoever comes here will relapse too and will stay because everybody loves the humane and close atmosphere. "

(To watch the full video, click on the highlight)

10 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Péter Nagy (Győr) pillar of mediawave

(Click on the title to see the photos)

10 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Péter Sándor József "Alkotász" (Tényő) regarding the 30th anniversary to come:

Szabados Györgyre és a készített díjtárgyra emlékezve, gyermekeik Együttlétbe belenövéséről, a somogyfajszi nyári táborról és "lassú víz..." Recalling György Szabados and the manufactured prize, his children growing into the Gathering, the summer camp in Somogyfajsz and the effects of the "slow water..." movement

(To watch the full video, click on the highlight)

10 May 2019

Impressions and photos of the feel by Ildikó Lőrincz (Abásfalva, Transylvania): "We've had a great time, the girls have made a lot of animations this year, too, the little ones have got very engaged int he boardgame Judit Erdőhegyi brought. The baking went also very well, on the first day we baked some wild garlic wesp nests and then much much more on the second, people loved them and we calmed down many hungry bellies with them."

(Click on the title to see the photos)


10 May 2019

Video of the feel by Hunor Nagy, student of poster designing at Partium Christian University in Nagyvárad

(Click on the title to see the full video)

10 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Zsuzsi Durst (Budapest/Jerez de la Frontera)

(Click on the title to see the photos)

10 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Virág Walter 15-year-old high school student (Budapest)

(Click on the title to see the photos)

10 May 2019 - video

Impressions and stories from Róbert Kerényi & Mihály Buzás (Budapest & Győr) regarding the 30th anniversary to come:

About the legendary China tour back in 1998, the collecting in Gyimes and Moldva directly after the rumanian revolution, old Mediawaves and misunderstandings 

(Click on the highlight to watch the full video)


10 May 2019

Photos of the feel of fortress live on 1st May, concerts, portrays, moments by photographer József Bánhelyi (Ajka)

(Click on the title to see the photos)

10 May 2019

Article by Frigyes Badár, united by many old Mediawave news that offer insight into the event's history (Moly internet portal)

Lightwatch - Komárom / Mediawave

"...Nagy megdöbbenésemre: az ember ismét létezik. Az ideológiák, tudományok által elveszejtett, tán megölt, meggyalázott, megalázott ember. Mondhatjuk az Istenre is, a tudományok által halottnak nyilvánított Isten és ember ezekben a filmekben egyszerűen újra jelentkezik, és szinte föltámad. Vagy a föld is. Világvégi földeket látunk… /Tolnai Ottó/”

A 29. Nemzetközi Film és Zenei Együttlét – Fényírók fesztiválját 2019. április 30. – május 4. között rendezték a komáromi Monostori Erődben. A Fényőrség Komáromba látogat az írók és a molyok segítségével, és betekintést nyújt a fesztivál történetébe is.

Az útra kelésről (s a fesztiválközönség megérkezéséről) már Mikszáth is írt:

(Click on the title to read the full article)


10 May 2019

Photos of the feel at the may-pole erection and the beginning of the bachelor/-ette party the night before the Russian-French wedding by József Bánhelyi (Ajka)

(Click on the title to see the photos)

9 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Zsófi Szerda (Subotica, Vojvodina) organiser of Malom Festival in Orom:

"For some, picnic in May is about chevap, pljeskavica, friends, nature and the Jelen Pivo - my picnic is being made by the films, concerts, sarma, lapchanka and the Fortress for over years now, aka Mediawave Gathering in Komárom."

(Click on the title to see the photos)

9 May 2019

Photos of the feel by Janka Talabér (Pannonhalma) high school student jury member

(a fotók megtekintéséért kattints a címre)


9 May 2019

Photos of the feel of the rehearsals and performance of The Flock Projekt & Ferenczi György és az 1ső Pesti RackákB by photographer József Bánhelyi (Ajka)

"Talán ez volt az idei Együttlét 3 éve érlelt, legmívesebb közösségi együttműködése. Úgy gondolom, hogy a kísérletezés fázisán átjutva, eljutottak egy világszínvonalú, esti előadásig."

(a fotók megtekintéséért kattints a címre)


8 May 2019

Kinga Bereczki (Foundation Háromszék, Sepsiszentgyörgy): "How much ORDER and responsibility there is in the apparent relaxation, here is the proof: at the end of the wedding program on the island, Barni and Szabi left as last ones, quite unstable but in a far better mood, that is to say, they only reached the other side of the island. There was a man waiting for them, who collected the last "saunterers“ from the island. It would have been pretty difficult to get back to the fortress when walking and drinking." (Click on the highlight to read more)

2019. május 8.

Bánhelyi József (Ajka) fotográfus hangulatfotói a nyitás előttről és az első napról

(a fotók megtekintéséért kattints a címre)


2019. május 8.

Patrovits Tamás meganimálta a kapott "Párhuzamos kultúráért" díjat

(a videót lent érheted el)


2019. május 7.

Kristjan Holm észt, animációs filmrendező (Tallinn) hangulatfotói a Monostori erődből és a Szent Pál szigeti esküvőről

(a fotók megtekintéséért kattints a címre)


2019. május 7.

Vajda Violetta kolléganőnk megküldte a hagyományos és online filmfesztivál díjlistáját.

(a részletekért kattints a címre)


2019. május 6.

Videó a győri Író Alkotók Klubjának verses  fotókiállításáról

(a részletekért kattints a címre)


2019. május 5.

Amaury Voslion francia filmrendező (Párizs) hangulatfotói - két díjat is nyert Mingus Erectus című zenei dokumentumfilmjével

(a fotókért kattints a címre)


2019. május 5.

Patrovits Tamás - Primanima Animációs Játszóház Karaván küldte, mint az animációs műhely végeredményét:

A darabszámból az látszik, hogy sok gyermek élt a Primanima animácoós műhely adta lehetőségekkel és még a legjobbak hangosításra várnak és azok is itt fognak megtkeinthetők lenni.

(a részletekért kattints a címre)


2019. május 3.

a komáromi Városi Televízió tudósítása az Együttlétről és háttérben a májusfa állításról

(a részletekért kattints a címre)



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2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!














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